Ak Party Muğla 副候选人 Yakup Otgöz 是谁,他多大了,他做什么工作?

Ak Party Muğla 副候选人 Yakup Otgoz 是谁,他多大了,他做什么
Ak Party Muğla 副候选人 Yakup Otgoz 是谁,他多大了,他做什么

将参加将于 2023 年举行的总统和议会选举的候选人已经公布。 Yakup Otgöz 在担任 Seydikemer 市长期间辞去 Muğla 副市长职务,成为 AK 党的第二位 Muğla 副候选人。 When Yakup Otgöz became the ordinary parliamentary candidate to be elected, it became a matter of curiosity who Yakup OTGÖZ was, where he was from and from which party he was a candidate. 这是有关 Yakup Otgöz 的信息……

Yakup Otgöz 是谁?

他于 1957 年出生在 Karadere。 Yakup Otgöz 曾就读于 Karadere 小学、Muğla Merkez 高中中学和 Muğla Turgut Reis 高中。

Yakup Otgöz 于 1980 年毕业于布尔杜尔教育学院,1980 年至 1983 年间在锡尔特和埃尔祖鲁姆担任小学教师。

Yakup Otgöz, who went into business between 1983-1989, was elected as the headman in 1989 at the request of the villagers. Maintaining his presidency until 1998, Yakup Otgöz was elected as the founding mayor of Karadere, which participated in the 1999 elections as a town.

Yakup Otgöz, who won 2 elections in a row, 3 of which are for the presidency and 5 for the mayor, continues his tradition of winning with 6 percent of the votes in the 40,4th election, and is elected the founding mayor of the new Seydikemer区。 . .

董事长 Yakup Otgöz 已婚并育有两个孩子。

Yakup Otgöz 在 2019 年地方选举中成为 AK Muğla Seydikemer 党的市长。 2023年成为AK党排名第二的穆拉副手候选人。